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We The Pussy!


Yesterday, I was an ant in a colony of 750,000. I expected to get stepped on and pushed around all day long. I expected my white marching shoes to reflect that. But instead, in a crowd of 750,000, somehow yesterday there was enough space for everyone.

And when the crowd got so thick that you couldn't move an inch, and a child or an elderly person or a wheelchair needed an escape route, someone in the crowd would shout "Clear the path! Child!" and a sea of souls would part and make space.

And when a woman walked by and accidentally snapped the wooden stick supporting my sign, we used the broken piece to strengthen her sign too.

​​ And when another stepped on my toe and muddied my shoe, she turned back around, touched my shoulder and apologized.

And when we women proudly chanted "My Body, My Choice!" the woke-men marching right alongside us proudly responded, "Her Body, Her Choice!"

We marched with an abundance of love in our hearts. We marched with smiles beaming on our faces. We marched with the hope of a brighter future.

3 million marchers across the country, and not one single arrest...

On Friday, a reality star became our president. Up is Down. Right is Wrong. Truth is False. And Anything is Possible.

Yesterday, the global community– led by women– responded in numbers never before seen in history.

And today, I see that just because our broken system is the only one we've ever known, DOESN'T MEAN IT'S THE ONLY WAY.

We live in a culture of Toxic Masculinity, personified and typified by our new orange ball-sac of a President – but yesterday, at Women's marches all around the world, we glimpsed the potential of another way. The Sacred Feminine. Through our collective love, we raised the vibration. The current electrified around the planet, and we can all feel the charge. Now we must channel it.

Trump is the last gasp of a broken system that no longer serves us. Toxic masculinity, the way of yesteryear.


So what can each one of us do to summon the change? In addition to calling my reps, and donating to my favorite causes, and switching to a credit union, and making art that reflects the world I WANT to live in, and acting first with love, always, I'll be meditating each and every day. First loving on myself, then loving on all the women of the world, and finally loving on Mother Earth.

If everyone who marched did the same, our world would transform before our eyes in ways we can't even fathom. Like it did yesterday. The collective has never been stronger than it was yesterday. We pussies did that. Let's keep it going!

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